Painting by Ivan Aivazovski (1817-1900) Stay in Istanbul All kinds of versions are circulating about my stay in Istanbul: One: There was a question about a suspicious trip
Photo Germain Droogenbroodt A child Lost at the Place of Tortures, a child leans over the fountain where tears and nostalgia gush It has walked weary for centuries
Woman with yellow hair, Pablo Picasso Guggenheim Museums and Foundation I live in your arms like a lonesome dream. I am the wave that rose up again From
Painting by Annelies van der Vliet, Netherlands Travel Notebook The wall devoured by the sun the little flowers enclosed in their holes their mouths open to
“Roads and Traces” Stefanie Rogge, Germany WITNESSES OF A TIME Just as the rain erases traces left behind, disappears by a technical problem or decision of higher