677 | Residue | Ida Vitale, Uruguay

Photo: Ithaca 677


Short or long life
everything what we live is reduced
to a gray residue in our memory.

From the old journeys remain
the enigmatic coins
pretending false values.

From our memory rise only
a vague dust and a perfume.
Maybe it’s poetry?

Ida Vitale, Uruguay, 1923

Translation Germain Droogenbroodt – Stanley Barkan

from: “Reduction of the Infinite”, Editorial Tusquets, 2002.

Rachel Ostrow, The Butterfly Effect, 2017, oil on panel, 18″ x 16″


RESIDUA // Corta la vida o larga, todo/lo que vivimos se reduce/a un gris residuo en la memoria. //De los antiguos viajes quedan/las enigmáticas monedas/que pretenden valores falsos. //De la memoria sólo sube/un vago polvo y un perfume. / ¿Acaso sea la poesía?