694 | What is hidden remains hidden | Germain Droogenbroodt

Dear friends, dear readers,
As several of our translators are having holidays in August, we will not mail ITHACA poems in August, but start again the usual mailing of Poetry without Borders begin September
Wishing you a nice and synny vacation
Germain & Stanley


foto bij ithaca 694

Lake Como, Italy, picture by Germain Droogenbroodt



Are the clouds up there signs
or endless silence?

Does the river
flowing to the sea become sea
or does it remain river?

What is perceptible
remains perceptible.

What reaches beyond vision
remains introverted.

and hidden.

Germain Droogenbroodt

Translation Germain Droogenbroodt – Stanley Barkan

from: “The Unrest of the Word”

POINT Editions – Boekenplan 2021