The Road: a poetic voyage from the West to the East, Benissa

Recital of poems by Germain Droogenbroodt from his poetry book “The Road”, accompanied by Julia Tatrai, playing Tibetan Sound Scales.

“The Road” has already been published in 27 countries, in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan translated by the famous Chinese poet Bei Dao, titled “TAO”. It is a poetic bridge between Western and Eastern mythology.

The poems, written in India, have been illustrated by the famous Indian artist Satish Gupta.

The 30 paintings of “The Road” have been exposed in the gallery of the University of Benissa (Spain).

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Like an ephemeral flower
like a handful of snow
which for a moment glitters in the sun
and melts
slowly seeps away
merges with and becomes



There is no shadow 
lager than its light

Germain Droogenbroodt

From: “the Road”